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HKIOF at the Convention and Exhibition Centre, witnessed the presence of esteemed guests from various countries at the Hong Kong International Optometric Conference | HKBT | AirGo™3

HKIOF at the Convention and Exhibition Centre, witnessed the presence of esteemed guests from various countries at the Hong Kong International Optometric Conference | HKBT | AirGo™3 - Solos Technology Limited

 Smart Glasses Zone

The newly established Smart Glasses Zone is one of the highlights of this year's eyewear exhibition, in response to the growing trend of smart glasses. Hong Kong exhibitor Solos Technology Limited and American company Zulu Inc. will showcase their latest smart glasses products. The exhibition also features various themed zones, including professional eyewear, eyewear accessories, frames, lens testing equipment, and optical instruments.


因應智能眼鏡正在成為熱潮,今屆眼鏡展新設的智能眼鏡展區會是亮點之一。其中香港展商 Solos Technology Limited 及美國的 Zulu Inc. 會展示他們最新款的智能眼鏡產品。眼鏡展亦設有多個主題展區,呈獻專業眼鏡、眼鏡配飾、眼鏡框、鏡片驗眼儀器及光學儀器等等。

展會更將會推出「掃碼易」(Scan2Match),實現買家從線下到線上的無縫聯繫。買家可在實體展期間,使用 HKTDC Marketplace App 的「掃碼易」功能,掃描展商的專屬二維碼,收藏喜愛的展商、瀏覽產品訊息,並在實體展期間或之後與展商延續線上商談,繼續採購之旅。


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